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1 Introduction

Welcome to OptiSurface Designer!
Graeme Cox
Updated 8 months ago
Last Updated: 31 May 2022          For: OptiSurface Designer Version 2+

Welcome to OptiSurface Designer! Once you download and install OptiSurface Designer, your computer becomes a powerful tool to design optimum surface landforms that promote optimal crop yields through improved water management (surface drainage & surface irrigation) with minimal soil movement and more.

1.1        Additional Support

In addition to this User Guide, we offer the OptiSurface Member Center that can help you use and enjoy OptiSurface Designer. Contact support@optisurface.com to get access to the OptiSurface Member Center.

1.2        System Requirements

To use OptiSurface Designer, you must have at least the following computer requirements:

Minimum System Requirements:
Operating System: Windows XP; Windows Vista (32 and 64 bit); Windows 7 (32 and 64 bit)
Processor: 1 GHz
Hard Drive Storage: 1GB of free space
Video Card: None specifically required
Screen Resolution: 800 X 600

Recommended System Requirements:
Operating System: Windows 10 (64 bit)
: Intel® Core™ i5 or AMD Ryzen 5; 3.0 GHz or higher
RAM: 8 GB or more
Hard Drive Storage: 20 GB or more
Video Card: nVidia card and AMD (formerly ATI) with 2gb or more of video RAM
Screen resolution
: 1920 X 1080 or more
OptiSurface Designer's performance relies heavily in the graphics card driver and it's ability to support OpenGL 1.5 or higher. Please make sure your system has properly-configured OpenGL graphics drivers. If OptiSurface Designer appears to be slow and unresponsive, it is likely that your system needs updated video drivers. See Resolving Crashing and Graphics Issues for details on how to update your computer's graphics driver.

1.3        Installing OptiSurface Designer

Login to the OptiSurface Member Center to download the setup file.

Run the setup file and follow the install wizard. See Activating Licenses and Credits article to use your activation codes.

If you’re having problems see Section 4 Troubleshooting or contact support.

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