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3.4.9 Contour Bank Design

Ed Foronda
Updated 8 months ago
Last Updated: 9 March 2020          For: OptiSurface Designer V3+

Overview: The Contour Bank Design feature allows calculating and drawing of contour banks with a given target slope using breaklines

Tip -  To learn how to determine the best spacing or positioning of Contour Banks, see this article: Zambia Pivot Contour Banks

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Menu: Tools > Contour Bank Design


 Calculate Using Topography: Select the Surface to carry the calculation on.

Point Spacing (m or ft): The distance between points along the contour bank line.

Target Slope (%): The slope of the contour bank. Can be positive (+) or negative (-).

Elv. Tolerance (m or ft): The allowable elevation tolerance of the contour bank and the selected surface.


An example application is for designing contour banks to mitigate erosion. The field below already have two contour banks installed in the field and the client is looking to add contour banks on the rest of the field. These banks will slope so that water falls and exit to the waterways.

Existing Topography

Existing Contour Banks and Waterways

Google Earth Satellite Image

1. Go to Tools Menu > Contour Bank Design
2. Set the desired parameters.
3. Click Pick & Calculate and click on the map where you want the contour bank to start.
4. Click again in the direction where you want the contour bank line to go.
5. Review the profile of the calculated breakline.
6. If you wish to add more contour banks, go to Step 3. Otherwise, click OK to finish.

The contour line is also a breakline so it behaves similar to one and do similar operations, i.e. split breakline, etc. Just right-click the contour bank for more options.
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