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3.4.12 Exaggerate Cut/Fill

Ed Foronda
Updated 6 months ago
Last Updated: 21 November 2023          For: OptiSurface Designer V2.6.2+

Overview:  Exaggerates the cut and/or fill to account for soil expansion or settlement after landforming.

Displayed by:
  Tools > Cut/Fill > Exaggerate 


  • Exaggerate Fills Greater than (m or ft and %) - Defines the depth of fill that will be exaggerated by the defined %.
  •  Exaggerate Cuts Greater than (m or ft and %)  -  Defines the depth of cut that will be exaggerated by the defined %.

  • Rebalance - Tick this ON to rebalance the earthworks on recalculate using defined parameters as shown below.

    Cut/Fill Ratio
     - Cut/fill ratio = Volume of Cut / Volume of Fill.  It is the same as the ratio used in Landform Design.
    Fill to Import (m3 or ft3) - Add in a value other than 0 if there are fills to be imported into the field.
    Cut to Export (m3 or ft3) - Add in a value other than 0 if there are cuts to be exported out of the field.
    Adjust Breaklines - Tick this ON to and allow the breaklines to shift vertically to balance the earthworks.
Note. This tool is mostly used to exaggerate only the fills to account for settlement after landforming. We usually use exaggerate fills if the design has areas with deep fills, say more than 1ft or 300mm, by about 10% if there will not be an easy opportunity to re-brush the field after a few seasons when the fill has settled. Otherwise, we do not exaggerate but recommend re-brushing it instead after a few seasons.

As an example, if the fill at a point was 300mm after a landform design calculation, then based on the settings in the dialog in the image above the fill will be increased by 10% (30mm) to 330mm. This % exaggeration would be applied at each grid point over the designed area if cut or fills are greater than the threshold which is 100mm fill and 0mm cut in the example above.
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