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3.4.16 Profile

Ed Foronda
Updated 4 months ago
Last Updated: 26 May 2022          For: OptiSurface Designer V3+

Overview:  The profile or cross section of the terrain straight across the surface or add a Profile Section Polyline and displays the Existing and Proposed Topographies against each other.  The section line can be moved or rotated to any part of the map.

Displayed By:

Menu: Tools > Profile

*To view larger image, right click on image and click Open Image in New Tab.

Profile View

  1. Section Line - shows the line cutting through the length of the Map, if editing a breakline, the section line shows the breakline instead.

  2. Shift +/- - click, hold and drag the Shift arrow to adjust the section line or use the buttons on found in the lower right to adjust.

  3. Rotate - click, hold and drag the Rotate arrow to rotate the section line or use the button found in the lower right to rotate.

  4. Red Dot - highlights the area in the Map window where the mouse pointer is located on the Profile view.

  5. Profile View - displays the Section Line (from Proposed Topography), in blue, against the Existing Topography, in red.

  6. Reference Line - dashed line represents the Reference Line, which can be added in the Profile manually by hitting right click on the Profile View > Add > Reference Line. The length, height and slopes are also shown in the box at the end of the line.

  7. Fitted Curve - orange line represents the Fitted Curve, which can be added in the Profile manually by hitting right click on the Profile View > Add > Fitted Curve.

  8. Offset Line - light blue line represents the Offset Line, which can be added in the Profile manually by hitting right click on the Profile View > Add > Offset Line.

  9. Mouse Pointer - when the mouse pointer is placed in the Profile View, text boxes appear showing several figures.
    a. Red Text Box - displays the elevation and the slope of the Existing Topography in that section.
    b. Blue Text Box - displays the elevation, slope and depth of cut (C) or fill (F) of the Proposed Topography in that section.
    c. Black Text Box - displays the elevation and depth of cut (C) or fill (F) where the mouse pointer lies.

  10. Flip - flips the direction of the profile line and profile view.

  11. Help - directs the user to this page.

Profile View Actions

Mouse Wheel - zooms in and out the Map Window.

Mouse Wheel button - holding the mouse wheel button and dragging a window to the right zooms in that window. Holding the mouse wheel button and dragging a window to the left zooms out.

Mouse Left Click - holding left mouse button and dragging pans the Profile View.

Mouse Right Click - shows more options and actions:
  • Add Reference Line, Fitted Curve or Offset Line. See Profile View section above.
  • Calculate Flow - see next section below for more details.
  • Export - exports the Profile as image and may include data set.
  • Report - generates a Profile report as pdf.
  • Autoscale Left Axis - turn this ON to let the left axis auto-scale, otherwise turn it OFF.
  • Autoscale Bottom Axis - turn this ON to let the bottom axis auto-scale, otherwise turn it OFF.
  • Profile Options... - adjust the sampling space or profile direction.

Calculate Flow

This tool caclulates the flow perpendicular to the Profile or Breakline. If you drew the the profile or breakline across a river, it would calculate the flow along the river.


Topography: Select the reference surface where the calculation will run on.

Water Elevation (m or ft): Define the top water elevation

Manning's n:  Also known as Hydraulic Roughness. See 3.4.5 Runoff Analysis for more details.

Average Slope (%): Define the average slope of the water way along the whole catchment.

Sampling Spacing (m or ft): The sampling spacing profile line that the cross section flow is calculated on.

  1. A profile polyline was draw across a drain. 
  2. The cross section flow was calculated using the parameters shown above.
  3. The blue line on the Profile View marks the Water Elevation used in the calculations.
  4. The Results shows a table with average water depths, velocities and flow.
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