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3.4.18 Drawings

Ed Foronda
Updated 8 months ago
Last Updated: 10 July 2018         For: OptiSurface Designer V2.5+

Overview: Draw lines and shapes which overlay the design. This layer can be turned ON and OFF and can serve as guidelines for the design.

Displayed by:
Menu: Tools > Drawings

  • Add/Edit - Add new drawings or edit existing drawings
  • Properties - Adjust the Drawing Plane Elevation

The Default Toolbar will be replaced by the Drawings Toolbar temporarily, until you hit 'Stop Editing'.

 Line - draw a line with two points
 Polyline - draw a polyline with multiple points
 Rectangle - draw a rectangle
 Three Point Arc - draw an arc defined by three point
 Center Arc - draw an arc defined by the center point and radius
 Two Point Circle - draw a circle defined by two points in the circumference
 Center Circle -  draw a circle defined by the center point and radius
 Three Point Circle -  draw a circle defined by three points in the circumference
 Ellipse -  draw an ellipse with the center points and two radii
 Curve -  draw a curved line with multiple points
 MultiLine Text - insert text
 Revision Cloud -  draw a revision cloud
 Layers - edit and customize layers
 Polar Tracking - enable polar tracking while drawing
 Select Entity Window - draw a window to select drawing entity, then right click for more options, see below
 Object Snap On - enable object snap
 Undo - undo previous drawing action
 Redo - redo previously undone action

Select Entity - Right Click Actions

  • Scale - adjust the size of the entity
  • Move - adjust the position of the entity
  • Rotate - rotate the entity
  • Edit - edit the points of the entity
  • Copy - copy and duplicate the entity
  • Cut - cut the entity to be pasted later
  • Delete - delete or remove the entity
    Convert to Zone - convert the entity to a design zone (only applies to rectangle, circle, closed polyline)
  • Convert to Breakline - convert the entity to breakline (only applies to line and polyline)
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