I clicked the 'GPS' button on the map page of my OptiSurface Cloud link and I get the message: 'Location Information is unavailable.'
Unfortunately Access to Location services has been removed from non-secure web sites by Apple in IOS 10. To use them the web page has to come from an 'https:' url. We are working on fixing this problem.
If you are not using Apple's IOS10 and above and wish to use the GPS for a moving map display, make sure you have your GPS available to your web browser.
E.g. iPhone Settings > Privacy > Location Services > ON & iPhone Settings > Privacy > Location Services > Safari Websites > While Using The App.
If you are having problems viewing the map Designs, make sure you do not have you web browser in Private Browser Mode. See this link: OptiSurface Cloud Link Not Working
P.S. Ipads and many Android Tablets do not have GPS built-in so this may not work. Most smart phones have GPS and are better.