See the steps below to export data out of MyJohnDeere
- Sign in to My John Deere account.
- Go to Operations Center in My Applications.
- Select Fields (1) -> Select All (2) -> Export Data (3)
- The window Export Data will pop up. Select Shapefile (1) -> Boundary (2) -> Specify a date range that will cover Seeding and Harvest dates (3) and press Apply.
If you want to share the shapefiles from the previous season, please select a corresponding date range. For example, for the 2020 and 2021 seasons, select the range from 03/01/2020 to 11/01/2021.
Note: You cannot export more than 250 operations at once. Choose a shorter date range or select fewer fields to export.Select Seeding and Harvest operations (1) and press Next (2).
- The second page of the Export Data window will appear. Change the file name (1) to one of your choice. Then you can choose to send files to a partner organization (should be added in advance, as described above) (2) or to send files directly to our email and press Export (3).
- The summary of your request will appear.
Usually, you can access the generated files on the next business day in the Files section.
To access this section, go to the More menu (1) and press Files sub-menu (2). - To download the corresponding file, find it in the recently uploaded files, select it and press the Download button.
- You can send the file to or if the file is too big, email us and let us know and we'll send you a Dropbox link where you can upload the files.