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Water Control Structures

Ed Foronda
Updated 9 months ago
Surface water management is needed wherever water erosion is a risk and where water movement control or water harvesting is required.
The guidelines here will help in choosing suitable earthwork structures, with links to detailed pages on those structures. Expert advice should be sought before constructing any earthworks, to avoid technical, environmental and safety risks associated with water management.
We recommend that any earthworks are part of an integrated water and salinity management program.

Surface water management options used in Western Australia

Earthwork                Land slope
Soil type                Grade
Landscape positionPurpose
Absorption banks and level banksUp to 10  upper slope, below areas producing a lot of run-offcontrolling run-off water where a grassed waterway cannot be safely maintained
Grade bankUp to 10shallow duplex / loam                0.2 to 0.5
                upper and mid-slope
controlling surface water erosion; harvesting water from slopes
Dams (excavated earth tanks)Up to 10                clay / shallow duplex / deep duplex / loam
                Up to 10
                not in valley watercourse
storing and providing access to water for agricultural or household use
Roaded catchmentsUp to 6                clay / shallow duplex
Up to 6                good clay required close to surface
improving water run-off from reduced catchment areas into dams
Grassed waterways    providing safe disposal of overflow from dams or discharge from the end of grade banks
Seepage interceptor bankUp to 10shallow duplex / deep duplex / Sand                 lower and mid-slope
controlling shallow seepage and waterlogging
Broad-based banks2 to 6shallow duplex / loam                0.15-0.3
                upper, middle and lower slope
controlling surface water erosion; allowing easy vehicle traffic across banks
                Shallow relief drains
(W drain, V drain, spoon and spinner drains)
Up to 0.2                clay / shallow duplex
                Up to 0.2
                valley floor
removing surface water from flooded areas
Levee waterwaysUp to 10                clay / sand / deep duplex / shallow duplex
                Up to 10
                valley floors and hill slopes
guiding and controlling the spread of water in drainage lines
Raised beds0.1 to 2                 0.1 to 2
 raising seed beds above the saturated soil of waterlogged areas
Evaporation basinsSite specific   holding saline discharge and preventing salt discharge to environmentally sensitive areas

Layout of surface water earthworks

Also, read Soil Conservation Earthworks Design Manual

Source: https://www.agric.wa.gov.au/water-erosion/surface-water-management
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