NOTE: The article below was originally written in May 2016. Since then, Trimble has released firmware v9.25 which appears to have solved these problems.
Trimble Field Level 2 System is designed to follow relatively flat design surfaces for agricultural landforming. If the designs change the grade too rapidly, it can start to overshoot and undershoot. Trimble has recently released Firmware v8.02 which may have fixed this issue but we've not tested it by ourselves.
We recommend a Smoothing Distance of 300ft/% (100m/%) when calculating on a 30ft (10m) grid to be safe. However, this can result in excessive earthworks on fields that are undulating. The Smoothing Distance can be reduced, but the Calculation Grid and Export Grid should also be reduced to ensure the overshooting and undershooting risk is minimized. The following minimum Smoothing Distance for different Calculation and Export Grid sizes are shown below.
Minimum Recommended Smoothing Distance For Export To Trimble Field Level 2