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Computer Only Running at 30% of the CPU Capacity

Ed Foronda
Updated 4 months ago

I am working with large (~400 hectare) file sizes. Having to load this file is often cumbersome. My system is only running at approximately 30% of the CPU capacity when loading calculating, so I am assuming there is a limitation in the software. Is it possible to modify my installation so that I can utilize my full processing power and speed up load/calc times?


This is probably due to the multicore processor in your computer, and we would love to take advantage of all the cores but at the moment we are stuck with using only one core.

A 400-ha field is quite large for OSD to handle smoothly. You may want to consider cutting the field into sections to make it easier.

These articles in our knowledge base can help you:
Design for a 1000-ha Field 

We also recommend you do initial calculations at larger grid size; e.g. 60 or 90ft and then when you have a design that looks close, do a final calculation at 30ft if possible.

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