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3.4 Tools Menu

Ed Foronda
Updated 8 months ago
Last Updated: 01 July 2022          For: OptiSurface Designer V3+

Overview: Tools Menu shows the core operations of OptiSurface Designer.

Displayed By: Click 'Tools' on the Menu.


Project Properties...
Define or edit the high level properties of the current OptiSurface Designer design file (*.osd).  
Add a new benchmark or edit existing benchmark.
 Existing Topography...  Allows changes in the appearance of the existing topographic surface by adding, deleting and editing points or breaklines.
New Design ZoneCreate a new zone and define the extents of a subzone or boundary by left clicking on the existing surface where polygon vertices are desired and double left click to finish and close the polygon.
Drainage Analysis...Allows calculation of various useful surface drainage characteristics such as Ponding Depth Map and Flow Paths Map. 
Runoff Analysis...   Allows calculation of Runoff Depth and Velocity Maps during a storm event (e.g. 1 in 5yr storm). The outputs allow the designer to assess the risk of erosion (high velocity) and overtopping of furrow (depth greater than furrow) for a particular landform design or the existing topography. 
Irrigation Analysis... Allows calculation of Irrigation Infiltration Depth, Cutoff Time and Inflow Rate Maps using water application rates, soil properties and furrow geometry (if applicable) to the selected topography.
Rice Levee Design... Allows calculation of Rice Levee using elevation intervals to the selected topography. (This feature is still under development and experimental. Use at your own risk.
Ditch Network Design...
  Allows calculation of a design for a Ditch Network connecting depressions to drain to the edge of the field.
Contour Bank Design...  Allows calculating and drawing of contour banks with a given target slope using breaklines.
Landform Design...   Sets the design parameters or design inputs for all design zones (typically the whole survey area but can be a portion of it).  Also allows to create design zones, modify zone extents, adjust zone priorities, delete zones and modify design parameters. 
Proposed Topography Allows changes in the appearance of the proposed topographic surface by adding, deleting and editing points or breaklines.  Click here for more information.
 Cut/Fill  Allows to Recalculate or Exaggerate the Cut/Fill Map.  Use this after Landform Design calculation. 
Haul Analysis...
Recalculates the Cut/Fill Map.  Use this when the Proposed Topography has been manually manipulated with breaklines or points are edited after Landform Design calculation.  Click here for more information.
Stripping Design...  Allows calculating a design for stripping the topsoil. This is useful for landform designs that has heavy cut areas - strip the precious top soil then set aside and work on the subsoil according to the design.
Storage Volume Allows to calculate water reservoir storage volume at various depth
Subsurface Drainage...  Allows calculation of pipe depths and pipe sizes for underground drainage pipe (often referred to as 'Tile').

Profile View the profile or cross section of the terrain straight across the surface.  The section line can be moved or rotated to any part of the map.
MeasureMeasure vertical and horizontal distance between two points, plus slope (%) and bearing (degrees from North) of the line.
 Add Note   Add a text note to the Map Window. 
Experimental new feature to draw lines and shapes.
Map Grid... Edit Map Grip Properties
Background... Import a background image from a file.
Satellite Image
Import a satellite image from Google Maps.
Show In Show the location of the Master Benchmark in Google Map or display the map images on Google Earth guided by the Master Benchmark coordinates.
Export the landform design, drainage analysis or runoff analysis report to an html file, which can be viewed with any web browser.  The report summarizes design inputs and outputs including map images.
Options...Allows to adjust the setting of OptiSurface Designer.  Click here for more information.
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